des affaires français

Amethyst Earrings © Katrina Newman

Izzy, my beautiful dog who more than often comes first © Katrina Newman.

Today was a remarkable day.  As I do, after the usual shower to wash away the sleepiness, feeding the Izzy dog, not necessarily in that order, usually Izzy takes precedence, then making my way to the kitchen to make breakfast, I turned on my mobile.  Ding!!  Wow what's going on. A quick glance and I notice I had a message from Etsy.  I've got the new Etsy app on my phone which helps me manage my shop.I noticed a familiar name and discovered that an old friend from my uni days had just made a few purchases from my shop.  Wow, that's simply great, it put a smile on my face.  Many of my networks have stemmed from links back to Canberra School of Art, friends from university, working to pay the bills and family. That's why I also use my Facebook page to promote my jewellery capturing the great network of family and friends that have been with me for as long as I can remember.A short email that followed the purchases said and I quote "I wanted to buy everything!".  Now that's just wonderful, the perfect customer.I achieved another milestone today, I finished translating my shop on Etsy into French.  My partner is French and although my French language skills are far from perfect, it extends my business that bit further.  My sales today were all from Japan.I watch people who wear jewellery and it pleases me when I see that they might be wearing something that is obviously handmade, but on many occasions you will find that the jewellery has been mass-produced through countries like China and Indonesia. Please continue to support small business' like mine, and be proud to be adorned in something so beautiful and unique as you.


Celosia Orange, Dazzling Blue, Radiant Orchid


What a difference a coat of paint can make