What a difference a coat of paint can make


After undercoat

Just before the application of the third and final coat © K Newman

The new path © K Newman

A friend asked for before and after photos so here they are, please excuse me for not removing the masking tape as yet. The floor had its final coat today. The sad news is that because all my equiment is in the studio, I've only completed half. Next step, move all the benches and equipment to the painted area and then start afresh with the sanding, undercoat, masking the skirting boards, and finally the paint, three coats.

While the paint was drying today, I finished off the path to avoid any nasty falls on tree roots as you make your way to my studio. It makes for easier navigation and appreciation of my studio. Finishing touches will include some leaf mulch and a few extra plants.The walls are in a Natural White and the floor is a Wattyl colour called seductress.


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