Not your typical Aussie backyard, Terowie South Australia

I found these iconic works of art on the road just outside Terowie in South Australia. It was on our recent holiday on the way to the Outback.  Despite scorching heat I couldn't resist stopping to catch some of the works on offer.

We stopped in town for lunch. Terowie is a little quiet these days. There's a history of Australian towns packing up everything including the house and moving on when trains no longer run or rivers are dammed and no longer continue to flow. Terowie fell victim to the train that no longer runs.

The proud people of Terowie can be seen restoring old shops and buildings that would otherwise crumble, and they have also built a shed in a small park in the centre of town. On a hot day it provides welcome relief and a nice table to sit at to have your lunch. In the desert with no trees insight the next best thing is a tin shed and table. Terowie is best not overlooked as you drive along the Barrier Highway. Stop by, say hello to the kind people who volunteer at the local information centre in town.

Beware of Dog Terowie S.A. © Katrina Newman

National symbols, Terowie SA © Katrina Newman

Sunbathing in Terowie SA © Katrina Newman

Three men in a tub, Terowie SA © Katrina Newman

Emus Terowie © K Newman

Just poor taste or something else, maybe it's true there are no dingo's in Terowie. © Katrina Newman.

Not your average backyard, Terowie SA © Katrina Newman


In Memoriam @ Silverton NSW


It's the season for a good Boozey Trifle