It's the season for a good Boozey Trifle

With all due respect, gone are the days of gagging on my grandmothers trifle made with jellied tinned fruit, sponge cake and custard. Today my trifle is a delicious combination of fresh fruit including raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and cherries cooked in brandy and a little sugar before  being added to a large trifle bowl layered with freshly baked sponge cake splashed with brandy. The fruit and cake are then coated with a thick layer of vanilla bean cream custard and a final and very generous topping of whipped cream and flaked almonds.  It's absolutely delicious.  A good reason to celebrate anytime. It's my Christmas pleasure.

Boozey Trifle

Boozey Trifle detail


Not your typical Aussie backyard, Terowie South Australia


The count down to Somers Arts Fair