River of Gold

I’ve always loved watching molten metal or solder as it flows to join precious metal. That glistening, shiney, silver colour of liquid as you pour it into your cast. This photo was taken as I poured molten silver into a cuttlefish cast that I had prepared. I just love this photo that captured the moment so well, the photo is by Yanni Dellaportas.

I’ve just purchased a new tough camera to handle the cold, wet and varying weather conditions the Yukon River will deliver. I will be documenting my journey on the River of Gold and look forward to sharing it with you in an exhibition and several public talks.

You can make a very valuable contribution to my journey by making a tax deductible donation to my fundraising campaign ‘Australia to the Arctic’ with the Australian Cultural Fund. All the money raised will be given to me as an arts grant. The grant will be acquitted according to my budget to assist with the direct costs of the residency. Donations close on the 25 July 2017. Please follow this link to make your donation https://australianculturalfund.org.au/projects/australia-to-the-arctic/

Cuttlefish Casting in my studio, photo by Yanni Dellaportas ©


An Australian on the Canadian Wilderness Artist Residency 2017


Kayaking with Patterson Lakes Canoe Club