Canadian Wilderness Artist Residency

Lake Louise Canada © Katrina Newman

It’s time to celebrate! I’ve been selected for the Canadian Wilderness Artist Residency in the Yukon Territory this August.

I’ve always understood that to create great work or to achieve greatness you will never do it by playing safe, so what better way to work outside my comfort zone than in the wilds of northern Canada.

It’s going to be a wonderful opportunity for me on this adventure, a once in a lifetime experience. I’ll be paddling through the wilderness on the Yukon River; enveloped by the natural beauty of the Canadian fauna, flora, and rugged countryside. Away from the safety of my studio, I’ll be compelled to explore my new environment, the different landscapes, to draw on the new colours & light, the new materials & textures.

Geography has a huge impact on my jewellery. My work has always been heavily influenced by the changing landscapes of my life; in each ring or pendant you can glimpse into the Australian desert, the sea and its shores, and from travels that include West African countries Ghana & Mali. The remoteness & exploration associated with this residency, the time to connect with the people & places will give me the opportunity to keep expanding & challenging my practice.

I’ve started preparing a small selection of tools to take on the adventure, some emery paper, files, and pliers. The adventure concludes at the Riverside Arts Festival in Dawson City where we have the opportunity to share with other artists from Canada and the region.

Last year I visited Canada & travelled from west to east finishing in New Brunswick where I reconnected with a friend that I met 31 years earlier on a station platform in Brussels Railway Station Belgium 1985. I felt a real connection to Canada & its people on this journey; I’m keen to continue to explore this connection as an artist on this residency.


Australia to the Arctic


Men's accessories