Preparing to move

My new Studio in McCrae © Katrina Newman

Wow, that illusive Australian Dream I talked about back in May 2012 is just about to become a reality.  I fell for the ambiance of a small house located in McCrae Victoria.  It’s modest but perfect for continuing my creative endeavours as a gold and silversmith and also for enjoying all the Mornington Peninsula offers.

It’s not far from beautiful Somers on Westernport Bay that has been my home for over 12 years. Everyday I feel the heart strings nearing their breaking point; it will be difficult to leave.  I have only just started packing but I have no fear (despite constant requests from friends and family seeking news of my progress ) that it will come together the closer settlement day arrives. I expect to become grumpy short tempered and easily tired despite ongoing efforts at the local gym building my strength in preparation for all the box hauling.  It’s a new adventure.

My muse has been busy tapping on my shoulder, and whispering in my ear with new creative ideas and to remind me that I have unfinished creations that need revisiting. Unfortunately it is a little difficult to create right now as my studio has been packed into boxes and sits idol behind me.  My artwork will take centre stage in the wonderful artist studio that features at the front of the property.  It will become my sanctuary with superb views of Arthur’s Seat and Port Phillip Bay through entwined branches of local tea trees.

I look forward to welcoming you to my studio later in the year during open days where coffee and cake will be served.


Slow progress


Emu Plains Market this Saturday 20 April