We took a short trip to western Victoria this past weekend for some much-needed rest and relaxation. Unfortunately rest and relaxation don’t usually go side by side with 1000 kms in 4.5 days, so be it. We did though enjoy the camping in my brothers excellent Cub camping trailer, the stunning coastline, and picturesque towns including Port Fairy and Koroit. It’s good to be home relaxing.

Our first night camping at Lake Colac © Katrina Newman

Kath's track marker to Leura Maar Look out Mt Leura, Victoria. © Katrina Newman

I love this beautifully crafted marker indicating the track to the Leura Maar Look out in the volcanic plains. Not surprising it is padlocked to the ground.  Mt Leura is in the small but beautiful town of Camperdown Victoria.More pictures of our trip to follow.


Fitzroy River outlet

