Racing Teapot

Racing Teapot © Katrina Newman

This is my favourite teapot. It's never been exhibited or put on public display. I remember the last minute nightmare that arrived as I struggled to finish it for my first solo show at Solander Gallery. It was late at night in my studio in Gorman House Arts Centre when I finally had to let go of the idea that it would not feature in the show. I was disappointed.  

But the show was still every bit the success. that it was. People described feeling happy, they smiled with the colour that would light up their day when they viewed the exhibition.  

Eventually the teapot was finished and sits quietly waiting its début in my cupboard keeping cool, waiting. But it's hard for a teapot so graphic so fast so out there to wait. Look at me it cries look at my beautiful lines, at my elegance. I'm almost futuristic harking back to the futurist work of Italian artist Giacomo Balla.  It is my quintessential teapot.


the boab tree


Is this a sign?