Pearls from the sea

Izzy with stick. Copyright Katrina Newman.

Beaded collar (no it's not a mistake). Copyright Katrina Newman.

Twice a day I take my dog Izzy for a walk, this morning it was on the beach. Weather dependent we walk on the beach or in the park.  Izzy likes to be around me most of the time and after a trip to the beach I don’t encourage her to come inside with a sandy coat. We have a great arrangement together where following our trips to the beach I hose her gently down and dry her off with a large collection of towels I have collected for her. She loves the towelling bit the best, as it almost massages her now weary legs after her activities on the beach. We play with sticks and balls it’s our morning ritual. It’s our time, but some times she thinks it’s just her time, and when it’s time to leave the beach she’ll find some excuse for staying longer.  This can mean I’m late for work, which is absolutely terrible.

I often take photos of things I see along the way such as the seaweed strewn across the beach. Today this beautiful collection of pearls from the sea made what appears to be an intricate Victorian collar of beaded jewellery; it’s absolutely superb craftsmanship. If only I could recreate such beauty.


Flowers of Summer


Sea Reflections