
Olga. © Katrina Newman

Someone once said to me that the works of art I produce are like my children.  This so strongly resounded within me that nearly 20 years later I think about it every time I prepare to sell my work.

Over Christmas I was pleased to sell some earrings and when I was packaging them up there was that familiar sentiment, a pensive moment, I may never see or touch these pieces again, that a person not known to me will wear a small piece of me, of art made by me.  I have also a secret thrill, that possibly one day I may be enchanted to meet these people on the road, anywhere, and be able to say, ‘Hi, I made that. Do you enjoy it?’

I make my little pieces for my pleasure, in the hope that one day someone will also treasure them. That they be loved and respected by their new owners.


Sea Reflections


Baking in Mali