Project 365

© Katrina Newman

The wireless Internet service I receive hasn’t been working since the big storms on Christmas day, so I am wondering… how can I plan a 365 day venture without a reliable Internet connection? I live 85 Kms from Melbourne and I am obliged to rely on an Internet service that offers very little for what I pay for without fault.

Does disappointment lead to being creative?

I was driving home from farewelling my partner at the airport this afternoon; we’d only just reunited following a 5 month absence, and 7 days later he’s back on another plane.  The 1.5-hour drive from the Melbourne airport gave me time to think again about what I will be doing in 2012.  I have many plans and many adventures in the making (as most of us do I’m sure) but what about my blog, what about the promotion of my work as a gold and silversmith? Isn’t that what this blog is all about? Promotion! Well yes, and more, this blog is also the start of another wonderful business project, the mélange of Jewellery Cake and Coffee. Who could ask for more than that?  A combination of all things exquisite and yummy. A collection of sparkling little works of art, immersed in a room filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sweetness of a gallery of home-style cakes. How simply superb.

I have a terribly unreliable Internet service provided by our telecommunications monopoly giant here in Australia, and so it is difficult to make a commitment to deliver 365 blog additions over 365 days in 2012, and it is also difficult to know if I will be able to get in front of my computer every day for the next 365 days.

I am however going to commit to make this is my first post to start a 365 page blog about when I make it bake it post it or take it. I can not promise to list my make it bake it post it or take it blog addition every day but I will promise that when I can I will. Let this be post one of a 365 page blog. Unfortunately I am unable to post this today being the first day of the year, as I am without a reliable connection. I look forward to your contributions and comments.

So what did you do on New Years Day? What are your plans for the New Year? Are you putting your goals in writing, giving them timelines, making a commitment? 01/01/2012

Detail Librairie Bildergarte Strasbourg France 2009 © Katrina Newman

Librairie Bildergarte Strasbourg France 2009 © Katrina Newman


Baking in Mali


The beautiful sapphire coast of NSW